✅ You should never neglect adding 2fa and downloading backup codes of the Gmail account.

A lot of buyers neglect this out of laziness.

✅ If you are transferring domain from namecheap to namecheap, you add domain privacy on the domain and also message namecheap agents never to reverse the domain to former sender.

Namecheap agents usually reverse domains back to the sender’s account if the sender files for domain reverse. Scammers and hackers know this too. Be warned!

✅ Never buy an AdSense account if the seller refuses to give out the primary Gmail of the AdSense account.

Only a mumu will fall for this trick. AdSense accounts that can add new users in the payment users section are 2006 – 2017 accounts.

✅ When buying a site with Ezoic and there are funds in the account, Ezoic will pay the former owner those funds no matter how much you change payment method.

It is advisable you allow the payments to be done first before working on the account because if you work on the acct and make alot of money in same month payments needs to be done, Ezoic won’t pay you but former owner.

✅ Never, I repeat, Never ever allow seller to message you as the buyer directly if you are in an escrow deal. If seller wants to send a message, let him/her do it from the group.

Sellers normally do this with the motives that if the deal fails, they will put the blame on the buyer.

Geh sense!

With ❤️ Koji Agudah.

By Matex

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